Saturday, August 16, 2008

The book worm is back

I haven't been so engrossed in a book for a very long time, let alone a saga. My previous addiction was of course, the Harry Potter series but I do need to catch up on my reading again, I haven't bought book 7 yet for the longest time! I think I had too many things to do during its release, I forgot all about it.

Another set was the The Da Vinci Code and the next book Angels and Demons which also drove me into hiding for around 2-3 days so I can quietly finish reading the 2 books 1 after the other.

After a year and a half, YES, MORE THAN A YEAR of not reading a good book (how I survived will be another blog entry)! I stumbled across 4 similarly looking books in black with interesting covers. Stephenie Meyer, an unfamiliar author to me, met my curiosity. Each book was thick. I guess say around 800 pages or so. Intriguing that it was categorized as a must read for young adults.

I bought the first book, TWILIGHT. After the first chapter, I-WAS-HOOKED.

Imagine my surprise on that not-so-sunny-Sunday, when I was closing in on the last 4 chapters. It was 6PM and I still had time to run down to Fully Booked. I bought the 2 other books that followed it. It was Tuesday after work, that I realized that I needed to buy book 4 by Thursday If I was to survive another night without dreaming of what might be next. So I bought the last installment, BREAKING DAWN. I was teary-eyed. It was the last book and the END of the story I so lovingly followed for the entire week. I was done that very Friday night. Less than a week and I'm thinking of re-reading it again...haha. Because book's 1 film adaptation, which is set to be released in the US this December 12 ( NOW MOVED TO NOV 21!), will be shown on January 8, 2009 in the Philippines. huhu. But since it's moved to an earlier date, maybe it can be shown November here as well! Oh my!!! I can't wait. Better make calls and ask for details on the film schedules. It's a very good thing I'm also trying to find out movies that will premiere as part of my marketing to do's. haha.

But visiting the author's site, it seems that another book, based on the leading male character's (Edward Cullen) point of view, is being cooked up as we speak. Yey! I'm trying not read the first chapter (teaser) as I know I won't be able to sleep on it (I am very impatient when it comes to good reads like this).

Anyway, I haven't been so enticed on a series other than this. The author, is actually a mom like me who actually inspires me to read and write again. I would really want to further this blog. Maybe I can start off with posting some of my short stories here. Maybe when I get to finish the one I'm working on. haha. Goodluck to me.

I went to Full Booked today and I was trying to see any selections that might interest me. I went home empty handed. Maybe next week, when I'm a bit over the Twilight Saga. It's just very hard to top an enticing story.

I know that I shouldn't even think twice but I am now procrastinating if I should get started on Paulo Coelho's book as for the longest time, many of my friends have recommended several titles.

I am also looking into Neil Gaiman...though his comics are quite expensive which I love, I think the books are worth the read and are within budget.

So I went ahead and made a book wish list / schedule:

My Next 10:

1. The Alchemist (I think I'm pretty late already with most of his books but it's something I really must do, to enrich my soul and of course my literacy) - P. Coelho
2. Brida - P.Coelho
3. Veronika Decides to Die - P. Coelho
4. The Witch of Portobello - P. Coelho
5. American Gods - N. Gaiman
6. Coraline - N. Gaiman
7. Smoke & Mirrors - N. Gaiman
8. The Graveyard Book - N. Gaiman
9. The Host - Stephenie Meyer (Although I think Twilight is still her best work, I love how she writes and makes you wanting to flip every page to get to the next one)
10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - J.K. Rowling (of course, needs no explanation.)

I better start re-doing the second bedroom into having my small corner of arts and crafts and books.


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