I've been quite busy in fact so busy with work and the house that I have very little time to do more stuff for the business and very very little time to blog here and update my online shop. :(
Hopefully, everything will fall back into place when my hubby gets back. It's tough to be a "single" parent, having your husband away for 2 months is like loosing another arm and a leg and I do hate to admit it. Thankfully, he's coming home end of the month from his sales trip so we can now both help each other out in the house and focus on the business better.
With prices of daily necessities sky rocketing like crazy, everyone needs to step up and work extra hard not just the part where you have to find more income generating activities aside from the job you already have. It's "upgrading" your faith in Him that trials in your life do happen for a reason and that you'll get through it with His help. At times of trial, we do need Him and call for Him. But it would be nice to also remember Him at times of triumph. I woke up today feeling a little less scared of the things that worry me on a daily basis. I'm not quite sure why but I felt His presence in my heart and it made me feel that no matter what happens, I can get through it with His guidance. I know it all sounds cliche. But it's something I just want to share and just maybe, someone else out there feels the same way. :)
On a different note, I came across certain sites that amazed me while I was doing a bit of research on viral marketing. Advertising and marketing is constantly evolving and I'm guessing that in the next 5 years, everything unimaginable at this point is actually possible by then.
http://www.aglassandahalffullproductions.com/ - my favorite
http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2007/07/31/top-10-viral-video-advertisements/ - videos on this blog are cool examples for more virals as well.
Anyhoo, that's all for this entry. :) Hope to be back soon with more stuff to write about, a new blog look and new stuff for my online shopping site as well.
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