Thursday, September 25, 2008

Drama Queen

On a seemingly normal day, while I was fiddling with camera, my almost 2 year old daughter kept calling my attention.

I wasn't really looking at her because I thought she was just doing her normal thing of babbling words that sometimes carried a few tunes. It sounded like the normal things kids would say. I thought she was just screaming or something.

Then she said "Mommy..look't! Peese!" (Translation: Mommy, look at me please).

I was surprised to see her holding her toy microphone and all that babbling and screaming to me was apparently and SURPRISINGLY her singing her heart out and doing what seemed like an impersonation of a singer. Then I remembered that we we're watching an MTV of Mariah earlier that day.

Luckily I had my camera ready and I think, she knew it was indeed a "KODAK" moment. I was able to shoot a short clip through my mobile phone as well.

Here's what I thought she was the tune of Whitney Houston's I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU. The first song she heard on TV while we were watching one of those singing contests. She gets a little emotional during the first few times her dad and I sing the song to her. It was either because we were doing the worst rendition or maybe songs like this makes some people and even babies, a little teary eyed (hehe).

"This is my last song for the night, thank you all for coming to my first major concert..."

"Everyone, please feel free to sing along!"

"Oooohhhh.....If I should stay..."

"..that is all, I'm taking, with meeee...ahhhhhhhhhh..(improv..hehe).."

" goodbye..please, don't cry, we both know I'm not what you need....."

"and I......will always love you...."

"...hoooohoooooo wooooo..."

"and I......hiyay....will always lahaha haa haaav....."



"Thank you so much!"

"I love you all!"

And that was the making of a future drama queen and singing sensation.

I wonder what she'll think of herself 10 years from now when she sees this. haha. :)


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