My daughter just got out of the hospital today. She got confined last Monday.
It seemed as if she just had fever due to cough and colds but It came to a point where I felt there was something wrong with her when she refused to eat and later on drink milk. Her fever also shot up to 40 and so I rushed her to the doctor the same day.
When we got to the doctor's office, she was immediately asked to use the nebulizer. The doctor from afar already saw that her breathing was too fast. After the physical examination, we were asked to admit her for tests and further care.
The tests were positive for pneumonia bilateral.
Pneumonia, bilateral: Pneumonia in both lungs. Bilateral pulmonary inflammation. Familiarly known as double pneumonia.
Pneumonia: Inflammation of one or both lungs with consolidation. Pneumonia is frequently but not always due to infection. The infection may be bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic. Symptoms may include fever, chills, cough with sputum production, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
If we had waited another day or two, the condition would have done bacterial where most cases during the time we were at the hospital, babies were sent to the ICU. ICU for me, is already something more than serious.
My baby is healthy and strong so I was surprised to see her all sickly and sad. It broke my heart when they inserted the ivy and when she was having chills at night. She could not sleep properly. She was not even allowed to eat or drink milk for 36 hours due to the fact that she might choke.
There are a lot of viruses now due to the season and mostly, young children are affected. I'm just very thankful that my baby is now well and feeling better and I am also very thankful for the many friends and family who sent their support in prayers and visits. :)
I'll be posting another entry to discuss Kid's health, which for me now is an important topic apart from the part on WHAT TO EXPECT at the hospital and our entire experience that might be able to help other parents out there.
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