I have been into writing since I can remember but I never had the time to focus and let it all out in this type of form: a blog.
I was looking for some kind of outlet that I can do while looking after my 1-year old daughter (actually watch her tumble around the bed every night an call me a dozen times for no reason before she went to sleep). This is probably the only thing I can do that she'll allow me to as she's fascinated with the music that comes from my laptop and the noise that my typing produces seems to be a hypnotic type of sound for her. And yes, she would bang on the keyboard every now and then, pull me aside and smother me with kisses or bite my cheek. Maybe in the future, she'll be somehow inspired to do the same and will love to write as well.
I have an online shop that I started when I was at home on a full time basis. My husband and I decided that I should take a break from work for a year or so and focus on our daughter and ensure that she's well taken cared of. Some people think that staying at home is the best thing ever! for me, it was, mainly for the fact that I loved (and still am loving) being with my little angel all the time. But being a full time mom can be more stressful than an 8-5 job. It's a 24 hour thing and there will always be a constant feeling of repetition, as if I was living each day the same way and since I have no one to talk to most of the time, it got quite stressful.
A typical day for me was when I'd wait for my hubby to get home, only to find out that he's quite tired from work and starting a normal conversation with him made me feel as if I was presenting to the board of directors. I had all these ideas couped up in my head, gathered from the times my baby was taking her naps (which was around 3 to 4 times a day for at least 2-3 hours). I never blamed my husband because I knew it was a mutual decision for me to stay at home and he was providing for us. The fact that I wasn't really used to coming from an independent life where I had a career and was earning for myself without any restraints when it came to going out with friends or shopping without the guilt.
I had to do something that wouldn't defeat the purpose on why I was managing the household full time. So one day, my dear hubby decides to get internet connection (to which I dearly missed for several months). He figured I needed to have something to enjoy apart from watching tv, dvds, reading a book or documenting my daughter's every move (which like all first time moms would do). I received an email from a friend inviting me to be her contact in multiply. I enlisted and found it to be quite good. I uploaded tons of pictures of my daughter, connected with friends and later stumbled into a person selling various items in my distant network. I noticed that throughout her multiply existence, she was able to meet a lot of people, earn and basically enjoy. I then established this idea of selling as well, thinking maybe it wouldn't be bad to try. I was surprised to see how excited the Philippine market was with the idea of online selling and how it was a good source of relaxation apart from the extra cash that it also gave.
I was thrilled that I was able to converse with people (as if I was couped up for so long and found a great escape). Little did I know that it was the best opportunity for me to try new and exciting things. From online, I tried selling through bazaars and eventually, noticed an opportunity to start up shop. Although the physical shop thing is still a big work in progress, I'm looking forward to having it pick up everything is in place. I'm quite happy to say that I was able to fulfill so many things, I never thought would be possible in such a short span of time.
It's both an amazing and scary feeling. A year went by so fast that looking back at it now, I never would have thought I'll be living in the city again, struggling with it's fast paced environment (not to mention it's costly terms of living) and juggling the mommy duties, entrepreneur gig and career as a marketing manager (yes, due to the instability of the economy, my husband and I felt it was best to be safe and think of the future, so I went ahead and took the job offer of my last employer to go back and continue my career with them). I have yet to finish my next small clothing and accessory collection, doing the shop inventory, the next marketing campaign at work, the divider panels at the house and potty training my kid.
I was previously asking for something to do, now, I have all these things to do and so little time. It just goes to show that you can't have everything that you can wish for that easily.
Some people, when they ask me on how I was able to come up with the name, comment on how innovative it is and how different it is. Some get the idea almost instantly. I for one thought it would be so hard to get and pronounce especially if you tried spelling it out to Air21's customer service as a pick-up address for an outgoing shipment.
I think everyone has a queue word when they see something of high interest. In my family, my eldest cousin would normally say "Ooh!" and I was surprised to hear my daughter say the same expression as well. From there, all things worthy of "Ooh!" became oOhwables. :)
This blog though, isn't just about my shop and my fashion interests. It's basically going to be my regular punching bag, a diary of some sort, something that may or may not interest you because it's simply something I just want to write about.
Thanks if you have read this entry.
I'm just happy to be able to start writing again.
- Tricia -
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Losing weight is generally more complex for women than it would be for men.
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