It's been a very very (x10 more) busy year for me and I'm still trying to keep up with all the activities I have.
I'm also very very (x100 or more) that God has given me and my loved ones so much blessings. Despite certain challenges, He always tends to give us hope and ensure that we are all taken cared of. Praise God!
I remember making a list of so many activities for oOhwables and all my projects that were supposed to commence this year. I can't say "unfortunately" because if I had pushed through with everything, most of it would have been half-baked. For sure, by next year, with my hubby giving full support and attention to the biz (God works in mysterious ways! I have been praying that He give me extra hands!), we are looking forward to finally launching GoOhwables and other projects we've been looking to do.
I stumbled upon a blog entry I made the previous year, it was a list of things, my WISH LIST ACTUALLY and I was really very surprised!
Here's the link (my personal site):
and another one I posted here:
Laptop (not really a Mac but Dad gave me one and Im really happy! :)
DSLR from my Mom
Rainboots (Wellingtons from my hubby)
M Baretto Bag (Thanks for the discount when I bought it Sandy! hehe)
Watch (I didnt get a Techno because there were a lot of fakes around but my hubby surprised me with a nice Kenneth Cole)
Havaianas (got more than 2 pairs as gifts)
New Sofa (we moved and got a very comfy 3 seater that Yanyan loves)
All of Yan-yan's toys were given to her in several occasions and even more than we expected
Others say the SECRET CONCEPT does work, I believe that when it's due you, it really just comes to you with a little help from the big Guy up there. :) Materialistic? I guess if you don't really need it, then its really not worth it. I actually forgot about the list I made hence the surprise of realizing the concept that "things will really just fall into place".
One SUPER BIG WISH me and my hubby had is to be able to find a place where we can lease and then own. I believe we've just stumbled into it the other day. Hopefully all things go well and we can look forward to owning our very own place within the next 2 to 3 years. We're scheduled to move-in January YEY! :)
Curiously, I'm creating another wish list this year. As they say, "LIBRE ANG MANGARAP!".
I'm in the "HOMING" mood so therefore, most of my wish list comprises of items to decorate our new home. :)
1. Home Furniture - I found this cool ebay seller. I'm so into Filipino designs for both fashion and interiors so I'm looking forward to the things they are selling:
ebay seller: abacafurn08
Abaca bench with storage pulls (cushions included)
4 Drawer Buri Stand
Abaca Accent Bench
2. Photo studio in a box from dponline
3. Super Comfy Flat or Semi-flat mid length boots
4. Basic Digital Multi-function camcorder and still camera
5. 2 to 3 new comforter sets. :)
6. Overlock Machine (4 thread)
7. LCD TV for the room
8. For the trip to Bangkok with mom to push through next year
9. A Car! (hehe)
10. A La Germania stove with oven (so I can start baking again)
I wonder what will turn up next year? :)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Upside Down, Happy and all around
Posted by oohwables&more at Friday, December 05, 2008 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Scariest Feeling
My daughter just got out of the hospital today. She got confined last Monday.
It seemed as if she just had fever due to cough and colds but It came to a point where I felt there was something wrong with her when she refused to eat and later on drink milk. Her fever also shot up to 40 and so I rushed her to the doctor the same day.
When we got to the doctor's office, she was immediately asked to use the nebulizer. The doctor from afar already saw that her breathing was too fast. After the physical examination, we were asked to admit her for tests and further care.
The tests were positive for pneumonia bilateral.
Pneumonia, bilateral: Pneumonia in both lungs. Bilateral pulmonary inflammation. Familiarly known as double pneumonia.
Pneumonia: Inflammation of one or both lungs with consolidation. Pneumonia is frequently but not always due to infection. The infection may be bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic. Symptoms may include fever, chills, cough with sputum production, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
If we had waited another day or two, the condition would have done bacterial where most cases during the time we were at the hospital, babies were sent to the ICU. ICU for me, is already something more than serious.
My baby is healthy and strong so I was surprised to see her all sickly and sad. It broke my heart when they inserted the ivy and when she was having chills at night. She could not sleep properly. She was not even allowed to eat or drink milk for 36 hours due to the fact that she might choke.
There are a lot of viruses now due to the season and mostly, young children are affected. I'm just very thankful that my baby is now well and feeling better and I am also very thankful for the many friends and family who sent their support in prayers and visits. :)
I'll be posting another entry to discuss Kid's health, which for me now is an important topic apart from the part on WHAT TO EXPECT at the hospital and our entire experience that might be able to help other parents out there.
Posted by oohwables&more at Friday, November 07, 2008 0 comments
Labels: kid's health, kids, personal entry, sickness
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Drama Queen
On a seemingly normal day, while I was fiddling with camera, my almost 2 year old daughter kept calling my attention.
I wasn't really looking at her because I thought she was just doing her normal thing of babbling words that sometimes carried a few tunes. It sounded like the normal things kids would say. I thought she was just screaming or something.
Then she said "Mommy..look't! Peese!" (Translation: Mommy, look at me please).
I was surprised to see her holding her toy microphone and all that babbling and screaming to me was apparently and SURPRISINGLY her singing her heart out and doing what seemed like an impersonation of a singer. Then I remembered that we we're watching an MTV of Mariah earlier that day.
Luckily I had my camera ready and I think, she knew it was indeed a "KODAK" moment. I was able to shoot a short clip through my mobile phone as well.
Here's what I thought she was the tune of Whitney Houston's I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU. The first song she heard on TV while we were watching one of those singing contests. She gets a little emotional during the first few times her dad and I sing the song to her. It was either because we were doing the worst rendition or maybe songs like this makes some people and even babies, a little teary eyed (hehe).
"This is my last song for the night, thank you all for coming to my first major concert..."
"Everyone, please feel free to sing along!"
"Oooohhhh.....If I should stay..."
"..that is all, I'm taking, with meeee...ahhhhhhhhhh..(improv..hehe).."
" goodbye..please, don't cry, we both know I'm not what you need....."
"and I......will always love you...."
"...hoooohoooooo wooooo..."
"and I......hiyay....will always lahaha haa haaav....."
"Thank you so much!"
"I love you all!"
And that was the making of a future drama queen and singing sensation.
I wonder what she'll think of herself 10 years from now when she sees this. haha. :)
Posted by oohwables&more at Thursday, September 25, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
AS a follow-up to my previous blog, I went ahead and did a little bit of research on pedia recommendations from parenting blogs.
I came across various forums today regarding people's recommendations for good pediatricians:
Cardinal Santos Medical arts building
room 117..M-Saturday clinic days
7270001 local 717 (Nadia - his secretary)
Comments were:
"...also a child psychologist. he also gives developmental tips aside from the usual health advice. Haba lng ng pila - but worth it :)"
"This doctor is the best! He's a young doctor who is not only very accessible, he is also very patient. He will take the time to explain matters that are unclear to you. Unlike other doctors who will try to rush you out the door. He has numbers you can call when you have emergencies and he'll return your calls. Give him a try. I'm pretty sure you won't want to go to anyone else."
"a child psychologist as well..he's very warm to kids and very patient sa mga questions from mommies...very personalized service nya although haba talaga pila sa clinic nya..he's the pedia of some of the celebrities here (the barretto sisters, joanne quintas, bernadette alison, shirley kuan etc...)..(if that amounts to something) but di siya mahal..."
Dr. Edna Panganiban-Llido
Rm.316-317 Medical Arts Bldg.
St.Luke's Medical Center
"She's really nice and good. SHe's a bit traditional and her style is always preventive. If I am not mistaken, she used to be the pedia of the children of the prince of Brunei."
Dr. Lourdes C. Sumpaico-Tanchanco
Unit 1004, Medical Arts Tower, Medical City
6356789 loc. 5120, (0919) 3672002
1. Her forte is development pediatrics. Pero she's a good pedia na din. She's based sa Medical City. She's also the director of BS Health Sciences, which is Ateneo's new pre-med program. (Also, member of the Philippine Society for Developmetal and Behavioral Pediatrics and Philippine Pediatric Society.)
2. Super approachable. In fact, she's the one who even invites me to pay her a visit sa Ateneo. Chika-chika kami.
3. Caring sya, yes.
4. I've been texting her since my baby's just born.
5. During that time na we were so worried about my baby regarding the newborn screen, she reassured us and gave us sufficient information.
6. I think reasonable naman ang price nya. Depends sa vaccine na ibibigay eh.
Hopefully, we can visit Dr. Regalado this weekend. Greenhills is very near our place as well.
I'd really like to be able to find a doctor who we can trust, be comfortable with and most especially learn from. It's tough to worry about your kid all the time and it would be of so much help if our pedia would give us an assurance that she'll be ok. At the end of the day, I'm more than happy to spend a little bit more for my child's health and well-being. I would at least expect to get the best service and advice from our doctor. :)
Posted by oohwables&more at Tuesday, September 23, 2008 0 comments
Labels: a mommy entry, babies, child care, doctors, pediatricians
Doctor Shopping
I can't find another title that will best suit the point of this entry. But read on to find out why...
My daughter is 1 year and 8 months old. She's had 3 pediatricians already and we went to see her 4th last Monday.
Her first pediatrician, i really liked a lot. Unfortunately, we had to move from the Laguna to Quezon City due to work and the business. She was really good, had more patience in dealing with both the kids and their parents. She took time to explain things without going through any heavy medical terms. She was also an allergologist which came in handy because I'm quite prone to allergies and so is my daughter.
Yan-yan's 2nd pedia was from St. Luke's. Unfortunately, she was going on maternity leave the following month so she adviced us to approach her recommendations. We didn't get to know her that much.
The third doctor we had was from Medical City. Her clinic was really very nice. Very modern and kid friendly. She was very accommodating as well. Unfortunately, it was quite hard to travel from Q.C. to Medical city. It was traffic most of the time and it was hard to get out of the area if we had to take a cab on certain visits.
My husband and I couldn't afford to ask for referrals anymore last Monday as my little one had really high fever and we were already rushing to get a consult. We scanned St. Luke's directory again. Looking for pediatricians who had a good schedule and whose names might sound familiar (I actually didn't recall any as I'm not well connected in that industry).
We went to a room on the 4th floor only to find out that the doctor wasn't there anymore. On our way to the elevator to go down, we saw a queue of people by the waiting area near a doctor's office that said PEDIATRICIAN. The people who were in line looked like busy moms and dads, new parents, seasoned professionals and the like with their kids in tow. Based on the profiles of the patients, my husband and I decided to try it out.
As I approached the secretary, I saw that the doctor's schedule was quite nice. She had a 10am to 5pm schedule from Monday to Friday and a 10am to 3pm schedule every Saturday. It was a regular consult. She breezed through the previous baby books we've had. She smiled. Checked on my baby as the little one threw a fit when the doctor checked on her nose and ears. She told us that we had to update her vaccinations and scheduled a follow up check-up for next week. She wrote down a prescription and a few pointers on how to monitor my child's health for the next few days. If the fever hasn't gone down in 2-3 days, I need to bring her back prior to the proposed schedule of our next visit. Soon after, she told us everything was ok which was our queue to go out.
When I got to the secretary, she asked me for the fee of 500 and told me that the vaccine was going to cost somewhere over 1500 and that was it.
I was actually not so used to being dealt that way. I was hoping to get further information on my child's condition. I did try to ask why she would be feeling that way and all the other questions as to what I needed to check, etc. etc. She plainly answered me with basic answers like it's normal, it's the flu season, she has allergies.
I wasn't really used to this as my other pediatricians were actually very enthusiastic in explaining to me how a certain condition or sickness occurs, what I need to do, how to do it, other precautionary measures and all the other facts that would make you feel calm and ensure that your baby is going to be ok. I actually had to text my very first pedia for Yan-yan and ask her all the facts and she was very helpful despite the fact that I was not longer visiting her regularly.
I'm not quite an experienced mom. My mom was actually so used to going to our neighborhood family doctor (who was actually quite good and was a great family friend) when we were in Laguna plus the rest of the doctors in the area were well known and we could easily get referrals.
Coming to Manila again, with all the doctors around, was a difficult task for me. Most of my friends had their pedias in locations farther than my area so getting referrals were quite hard for me than normal.
I'm not quite sure if it's just me or is it bad to change to another doctor when you feel you're not that comfortable or at ease with the current one you have?
I mean, I have these fears that If I change to another doctor again, that my child's condition might not be monitored properly and of course that thing of not showing up later on as well given that we're already in their client roster.
I think I need to research further on this matter and get opinions from friends and other interest parties online or those who already have experience on the matter. I might actually get good referrals if anyone suggests a pedia that they already trust and know.
Posted by oohwables&more at Tuesday, September 23, 2008 0 comments
Labels: a mommy entry, child care, doctors, health care, pediatricians, yan-yan
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The book worm is back
I haven't been so engrossed in a book for a very long time, let alone a saga. My previous addiction was of course, the Harry Potter series but I do need to catch up on my reading again, I haven't bought book 7 yet for the longest time! I think I had too many things to do during its release, I forgot all about it.
Another set was the The Da Vinci Code and the next book Angels and Demons which also drove me into hiding for around 2-3 days so I can quietly finish reading the 2 books 1 after the other.
After a year and a half, YES, MORE THAN A YEAR of not reading a good book (how I survived will be another blog entry)! I stumbled across 4 similarly looking books in black with interesting covers. Stephenie Meyer, an unfamiliar author to me, met my curiosity. Each book was thick. I guess say around 800 pages or so. Intriguing that it was categorized as a must read for young adults.
I bought the first book, TWILIGHT. After the first chapter, I-WAS-HOOKED.
Imagine my surprise on that not-so-sunny-Sunday, when I was closing in on the last 4 chapters. It was 6PM and I still had time to run down to Fully Booked. I bought the 2 other books that followed it. It was Tuesday after work, that I realized that I needed to buy book 4 by Thursday If I was to survive another night without dreaming of what might be next. So I bought the last installment, BREAKING DAWN. I was teary-eyed. It was the last book and the END of the story I so lovingly followed for the entire week. I was done that very Friday night. Less than a week and I'm thinking of re-reading it again...haha. Because book's 1 film adaptation, which is set to be released in the US this December 12 ( NOW MOVED TO NOV 21!), will be shown on January 8, 2009 in the Philippines. huhu. But since it's moved to an earlier date, maybe it can be shown November here as well! Oh my!!! I can't wait. Better make calls and ask for details on the film schedules. It's a very good thing I'm also trying to find out movies that will premiere as part of my marketing to do's. haha.
But visiting the author's site, it seems that another book, based on the leading male character's (Edward Cullen) point of view, is being cooked up as we speak. Yey! I'm trying not read the first chapter (teaser) as I know I won't be able to sleep on it (I am very impatient when it comes to good reads like this).
Anyway, I haven't been so enticed on a series other than this. The author, is actually a mom like me who actually inspires me to read and write again. I would really want to further this blog. Maybe I can start off with posting some of my short stories here. Maybe when I get to finish the one I'm working on. haha. Goodluck to me.
I went to Full Booked today and I was trying to see any selections that might interest me. I went home empty handed. Maybe next week, when I'm a bit over the Twilight Saga. It's just very hard to top an enticing story.
I know that I shouldn't even think twice but I am now procrastinating if I should get started on Paulo Coelho's book as for the longest time, many of my friends have recommended several titles.
I am also looking into Neil Gaiman...though his comics are quite expensive which I love, I think the books are worth the read and are within budget.
So I went ahead and made a book wish list / schedule:
My Next 10:
1. The Alchemist (I think I'm pretty late already with most of his books but it's something I really must do, to enrich my soul and of course my literacy) - P. Coelho
2. Brida - P.Coelho
3. Veronika Decides to Die - P. Coelho
4. The Witch of Portobello - P. Coelho
5. American Gods - N. Gaiman
6. Coraline - N. Gaiman
7. Smoke & Mirrors - N. Gaiman
8. The Graveyard Book - N. Gaiman
9. The Host - Stephenie Meyer (Although I think Twilight is still her best work, I love how she writes and makes you wanting to flip every page to get to the next one)
10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - J.K. Rowling (of course, needs no explanation.)
I better start re-doing the second bedroom into having my small corner of arts and crafts and books.
Posted by oohwables&more at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Busy Bee's Realizations
I've been quite busy in fact so busy with work and the house that I have very little time to do more stuff for the business and very very little time to blog here and update my online shop. :(
Hopefully, everything will fall back into place when my hubby gets back. It's tough to be a "single" parent, having your husband away for 2 months is like loosing another arm and a leg and I do hate to admit it. Thankfully, he's coming home end of the month from his sales trip so we can now both help each other out in the house and focus on the business better.
With prices of daily necessities sky rocketing like crazy, everyone needs to step up and work extra hard not just the part where you have to find more income generating activities aside from the job you already have. It's "upgrading" your faith in Him that trials in your life do happen for a reason and that you'll get through it with His help. At times of trial, we do need Him and call for Him. But it would be nice to also remember Him at times of triumph. I woke up today feeling a little less scared of the things that worry me on a daily basis. I'm not quite sure why but I felt His presence in my heart and it made me feel that no matter what happens, I can get through it with His guidance. I know it all sounds cliche. But it's something I just want to share and just maybe, someone else out there feels the same way. :)
On a different note, I came across certain sites that amazed me while I was doing a bit of research on viral marketing. Advertising and marketing is constantly evolving and I'm guessing that in the next 5 years, everything unimaginable at this point is actually possible by then. - my favorite - videos on this blog are cool examples for more virals as well.
Anyhoo, that's all for this entry. :) Hope to be back soon with more stuff to write about, a new blog look and new stuff for my online shopping site as well.
Posted by oohwables&more at Saturday, July 12, 2008 0 comments
Labels: personal entry, tidbits
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Spend or Save
I for one am a bag lover. But I don't stress myself too much in having the designer label if I can't really afford one (and I really can't..hehe).
For some, it's basically about status. Holding a designer label especially when the monogram print says that it's one of THE DESIGNER IT BAGS, well, people do really tend to look.
For others, it's the quality. Since all designer bags come with a hefty price tag, it therefore SHOULD be made of the best material and the craftsmanship must be superb, otherwise, it's not even worth the money.
The best reason I actually like is because of the style and design. At the end of the day, you'd really like to have either something unique, versatile, functional and most importantly, something that will match most of your outfits or a bag that will MAKE your outfit.
But since I'm a mom, always under the budget and would rather splurge on my little one most of the time rather than myself (it's a big change that wasn't so hard for me, I think most moms would agree that it doesn't take enough convincing to leave your wants for your baby's needs), I made myself a list of bag choices I like and tuned it into the all time favorite comparison chart: SPEND or SAVE.
This will probably a regular topic in my blog, because after all, we can't have too many bags. :) And to think I haven't started on the shoes yet.
So here we go...
A good everyday bag that you can tote around and fit most of your essentials in.
It's not too big nor too small.
Somewhere around Php30k
Same functions and purpose as you want it with superb quality and materials but a good affordable price. They're even giving free shipping with this bag. Also worthy of those stares because of the unique print and style but has it's own take on the doctor's bag shape we love about the LV speedy without saying it's a complete replica of the details from the Vuitton bag. It's still something uniquely designed and just right on the budget.
Php1,500 (to see more styles visit
SPEND: The Chanel Quilted Flap
One of the most classic styles in bag history that's definitely timeless whether it's the classic or reissue type. I think it's the best evening or formal bag that will make a simple LBD and pearl earrings just fab.
Somewhere around Php120-200k (depends if it's a second hand - for discontinued and rare styles or the new reissues)
SAVE: The Tiramisu Mademoiselle Flap Bag
Something of the same effect but with a modern take and not too much screaming CHANEL!!! The function of the flap and chain embellishment is there with the lock and the quilting but it's a fresh take on the style that you can even use for casual occasions.
Php999 (to see more styles visit
If you just happen to love quilted bags, here's another cute take from Tiramisu that has a Chanel like feel:
Tiramisu Vanity Kit (Php1500)
Posted by oohwables&more at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 2 comments
Labels: a fashion entry, accessories, bags, shopping, spend or save
Blair Bands Part II
So why would you want to wear a head band?
1. If you don't know what to do with your hair - Wear a headband.
In so many ways, you can style your hair without the fuzz. If you've got all that volume and you seem to be having such a bad hair day, take advantage! Head bands tend to look better nowadays with hair that has volume. Create a dramatic look by placing your hair in a bun then use either a thick type of band or a multiple stranded band to create more drama. Use it on a casual or even a formal look.
2. To chop or not to chop? - or just don't
If you're in a dilemma of whether to cut your hair or not or change to a different hair style, before you do, try accessorizing with a head band. It suits most hair styles and types. Whether you have long wavy hair, straight, short or even if you're donning a bob cut, it will most likely suit you. Just make sure that your head band is comfortable enough for you. There are head bands that have "teeth" and some are just basically lined with velvet to suit your hair type.
3. She bangs - most of the time
Bangs are also in almost every season. But sometimes, they kinda get in the way of things especially when you're sporting a bang style that's high maintenance and needs blow drying to get the proper curve. Having bangs won't allow you to chop them off (unless you want to look like a 3-year-old barbie doll with the bangs chopped off...I did that to one of my barbie dolls before..haha). So if you don't have the time to maintain and waiting for your locks to grow takes like forever, put a head band on and be at ease.
- Wearing a headband when your hair is wet: it just dries or ruins your hair and most often the results are those curly or frizzy hair strands or lumps that won't go away that easily. it's like baking your hair to put it simply. Some say it causes migraines as well just as when you tie your hair when wet or something.
- Sporting headbands that have materials or forms that do not work well with your head shape or hair type.
Posted by oohwables&more at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 0 comments
Labels: a fashion entry, accessories, hair, headband, style
Monday, June 23, 2008
Blair Bands
It's all the rage and I'm glad it is because I had tons of it stashed in my "back to the future box"...hehe.
Yes, headbands, are back indeed (if you haven't noticed).
I love the fact that they give your wardrobe a kick during a fashion crisis (e.g. if you have no accessory that can match an outfit, having a bad hair day, etc.).
Thank you to the very addictive TV series Gossip Girl who features Blair Waldorf in unique and intriguing hairbands, these babies have become a must-have for almost every woman.
Little tidbits on the Headband:
1. Wikipedia - What is a headband?
A headband is a clothing accessory worn in the hair or around the forehead, usually to hold hair away from the face or eyes. Headbands generally consist of a loop of elastic material or a horseshoe-shaped piece of flexible plastic or metal. They come in assorted shapes and sizes and are used for both practical and fashion purposes.
Horseshoe-shaped headbands are sometimes called Alice bands after the headbands that Alice is often depicted wearing in Through the Looking Glass.
2. From - Headband History
A famous Egyptian goddess from 600 B.C. is portrayed in the book, The Changing Face of Beauty by Madge Garland with what looks very much like a 60s style headband.
Byzantine women displayed in old mosaic portraits were shown wearing jewelled bands and head dresses.
During the period of the 1880s women would fashion headbands out of flowers or branches and use them as decoration. The photo above is taken from a copy of Demorest's Monthly Magazine published in 1880. The photo was of a bride who had a headband of leaves and flowers with a shawl attached at the back of the floral decoration.
This was a very popular look during the 1880 -1885 timeframe. Woman during that time would also use ribbon to form a type of headband to hold the hair off of their face.
Very fab vintage takes...and I thank my mom and lola for being "pack rats"! I now treasure all the vintage stuff they gave me!

picture from the CW site
Apart from Leighton Meester (Blair Waldorf of Gossip Girl), celebs like Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Richie, Drew Barrymore, Jessica Simpson, Jessica Alba and even David Beckham (during his long haired days) sported this unique look whether on casual or formal occasions.

Later I'll be posting excellent tips I gathered on why head bands might just be your lucky charms to get the total look you're trying to achieve. :)
Posted by oohwables&more at Monday, June 23, 2008 0 comments
Labels: a fashion entry, accessories, hair, headband, shopping, style
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Shopping behavior
I brought my daughter to one of our favorite shops and hang-outs in Cubao Expo, where my shop is located. Ho-Land, a nice quaint Chinese delicacy shop where you can get great tasting comfort food and treats. My favorite is their Chicken Pie! and I love taking home large packs of those addictive white squash seeds, crispy squid flakes (which makes my hubby veer away from me unless I have already brushed my teeth..haha) and Haw flakes which Yan-yan is really really addicted to.
Oh, my daughter's name is Yan-yan. Like the cookie snack that you dip in either chocolate or strawberry cream. That was the snack that made me survive the ALL DAY SICKNESS (not morning sickness) during my pregnancy's first term. Apart from the fact that her dad's name is Ryan.
Anyhoo, so there we were, at the door. I placed her down carefully as thought she'd be running off to the lot of products displayed at the side. To my surprise, she didn't. She was so amazed at the display rack of all the different goodies, she held her distance and just pointed and said "Mommy, wow!".
I couldn't help it so I took pictures to prove to her dad that she was well behaved at a store where the products were just within her this rarely happens. Try bringing her to a a department store. I plan the days that I bring her to the toy store because you CANNOT leave without having to pay for something because she won't even let the cashier swipe the thing without a fight.
So there I was, so proud that she was able to control herself, but then again, I figured that she was just overwhelmed as to where to start.
The funniest part though was that since she was bottling up all her excitement for so long (around 5 minutes), she couldn't help but show her excitement by making her trademark "GIGIL" thing (as seen in the picture) and her little cute squeels.
Is this the making of a shop-a-holic? I better not give her an extension card when she can legally own one. It's scary.
Posted by oohwables&more at Saturday, June 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: a mommy entry, babies, funny stuff, kids, shopping, yan-yan
I don't want to say SCARY...I want "SADS"
A mommy entry
My little one says a lot of stuff I can rarely understand. Words like "PATAKAPATAPATA" and some words I can't even spell are mostly what comprises her vocabulary nowadays.
I'm quite happy though that she can pick up and say most of the words we teach her:
3. ELMO = "E-MOW"
6. TITO = "TETO"
7. COW = "COW"
8. DOG = "DOG"
9. MORE = "MOW"
10. DORA = "DOYA"
11. YAYA = "YAYA"
12. SLEEP = "SEEP"
13. MILK = "MIWK"
18. TAXI = "TASI"
20. SCARY = nothing
I don't know why but every time I ask her if something is scary, she gets startled and hugs me tight. I tried teaching her the word, what it means and I tried to make her say it but the last time, she just didn't want to respond. Instead, she cried and looked around the room and went under the covers...which I did too because I thought she'd seen something and it kinda scared me too (hehe).
I'm just puzzled at her reaction every time we say the word scary. Maybe she thinks it's like a magic word to make something she's frightened about appear.
Each day, I try to teach my daughter some new word, phrase or thing. It's easy actually, at her age, she's like a sponge, so I'm quite careful with the words I say around her. But sometimes, I do forget that she's not just a child set to feel what you want her to feel or think. At an early age, I have to understand that she already has emotions and feelings just like any adult has. That she gets stressed, frightened, lonely, excited and even frustrated.
I was laughing so hard the other night, when I mentioned to my brother that my neck really hurt. To my surprise, she went to me and gave me a "massage" which she calls "sads" and I was so touched. Her yaya said she saw an English commercial on TV about a spa or massage. I was amazed on how she was able to relate that to what I told my brother "Ang sakit ng leeg ko...".
That same night, she went to me and said, "Mamee, sads?" and I said "You'll be massaging mommy?" and she said, "No, SADS!" placing her leg on my tummy and asking me to give her one. WOW! talk about a quick pick up from what she'd learned from watching a short 15 second commercial.
I have yet to uncover so many mysteries about my little one. But at this point, I'm quite worried and excited at the same time on as to what other stuff will happen as she grows older. I started applying make-up at the age of 18 and during those days, pressed powder and lip gloss was THE make-up for my age group. My little one knows how to put lipstick, powder and she knows where the eyeshadow and blusher goes. So imagine her 1 to 2 years from now. So many scary thoughts. She's only 1 1/2 years old.
Posted by oohwables&more at Saturday, June 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: a mommy entry, babies, funny stuff, kids
How oOhwables came to be
I have been into writing since I can remember but I never had the time to focus and let it all out in this type of form: a blog.
I was looking for some kind of outlet that I can do while looking after my 1-year old daughter (actually watch her tumble around the bed every night an call me a dozen times for no reason before she went to sleep). This is probably the only thing I can do that she'll allow me to as she's fascinated with the music that comes from my laptop and the noise that my typing produces seems to be a hypnotic type of sound for her. And yes, she would bang on the keyboard every now and then, pull me aside and smother me with kisses or bite my cheek. Maybe in the future, she'll be somehow inspired to do the same and will love to write as well.
I have an online shop that I started when I was at home on a full time basis. My husband and I decided that I should take a break from work for a year or so and focus on our daughter and ensure that she's well taken cared of. Some people think that staying at home is the best thing ever! for me, it was, mainly for the fact that I loved (and still am loving) being with my little angel all the time. But being a full time mom can be more stressful than an 8-5 job. It's a 24 hour thing and there will always be a constant feeling of repetition, as if I was living each day the same way and since I have no one to talk to most of the time, it got quite stressful.
A typical day for me was when I'd wait for my hubby to get home, only to find out that he's quite tired from work and starting a normal conversation with him made me feel as if I was presenting to the board of directors. I had all these ideas couped up in my head, gathered from the times my baby was taking her naps (which was around 3 to 4 times a day for at least 2-3 hours). I never blamed my husband because I knew it was a mutual decision for me to stay at home and he was providing for us. The fact that I wasn't really used to coming from an independent life where I had a career and was earning for myself without any restraints when it came to going out with friends or shopping without the guilt.
I had to do something that wouldn't defeat the purpose on why I was managing the household full time. So one day, my dear hubby decides to get internet connection (to which I dearly missed for several months). He figured I needed to have something to enjoy apart from watching tv, dvds, reading a book or documenting my daughter's every move (which like all first time moms would do). I received an email from a friend inviting me to be her contact in multiply. I enlisted and found it to be quite good. I uploaded tons of pictures of my daughter, connected with friends and later stumbled into a person selling various items in my distant network. I noticed that throughout her multiply existence, she was able to meet a lot of people, earn and basically enjoy. I then established this idea of selling as well, thinking maybe it wouldn't be bad to try. I was surprised to see how excited the Philippine market was with the idea of online selling and how it was a good source of relaxation apart from the extra cash that it also gave.
I was thrilled that I was able to converse with people (as if I was couped up for so long and found a great escape). Little did I know that it was the best opportunity for me to try new and exciting things. From online, I tried selling through bazaars and eventually, noticed an opportunity to start up shop. Although the physical shop thing is still a big work in progress, I'm looking forward to having it pick up everything is in place. I'm quite happy to say that I was able to fulfill so many things, I never thought would be possible in such a short span of time.
It's both an amazing and scary feeling. A year went by so fast that looking back at it now, I never would have thought I'll be living in the city again, struggling with it's fast paced environment (not to mention it's costly terms of living) and juggling the mommy duties, entrepreneur gig and career as a marketing manager (yes, due to the instability of the economy, my husband and I felt it was best to be safe and think of the future, so I went ahead and took the job offer of my last employer to go back and continue my career with them). I have yet to finish my next small clothing and accessory collection, doing the shop inventory, the next marketing campaign at work, the divider panels at the house and potty training my kid.
I was previously asking for something to do, now, I have all these things to do and so little time. It just goes to show that you can't have everything that you can wish for that easily.
Some people, when they ask me on how I was able to come up with the name, comment on how innovative it is and how different it is. Some get the idea almost instantly. I for one thought it would be so hard to get and pronounce especially if you tried spelling it out to Air21's customer service as a pick-up address for an outgoing shipment.
I think everyone has a queue word when they see something of high interest. In my family, my eldest cousin would normally say "Ooh!" and I was surprised to hear my daughter say the same expression as well. From there, all things worthy of "Ooh!" became oOhwables. :)
This blog though, isn't just about my shop and my fashion interests. It's basically going to be my regular punching bag, a diary of some sort, something that may or may not interest you because it's simply something I just want to write about.
Thanks if you have read this entry.
I'm just happy to be able to start writing again.
- Tricia -
Posted by oohwables&more at Saturday, June 21, 2008 0 comments